Content of an article published in the Vanasthali bimonthly of july 2012 written by advocate Ranjana Pagar-Gavande

Since last 20 years one organization is working on the subject of superstitions in the society. There are volunteers who try very hard against this deep rooted aspect by way of lectures, demonstrations, showing films, seminars etc. This group is convinced that Religion and politics are encouraging this aspect in all societies.
This organization viz “Eradication of superstitions” has 233 branches where volunteers are working sincerely, without any financial expectation. Many a times those groups had to face physical attacks from those who want superstitions to continue society.
Last 16 years this group is sincerely trying to make law at the state and central Govt. level. They do not yet get any positive support from many members of Parliament. The group looks at this issue with a mature outlook. It wants to fight against black magic, exploitation due to poverty and ignorance, lack of education ext.

The group does not want to hurt sentiments of common man towards his idea of God.
The article is written in Marathi by Advocate Ranjana Pagar-Gavande. The translation is not a work to word one.